Cogito ergo sum

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Paus Benediktus XVI


Lord God, you chose your servant Pope Benedict XVI
to succeed the apostle St. Peter as shepherd of your flock.
Listen to the prayer of your people,
and may our pope,
Vicar of Christ on earth,
strengthen his brethren in the faith.
May the whole Church be kept in communion with him
by the bond of unity, love, and peace
so that all will find truth and eternal life
in you, Shepherd of mankind.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

(From the mass "for the Pope" in the Roman missal)


  • amin..aku juga berharap semoga dia dapat menjadi gembala yangbaik bagi semua umat katolik di dunia ini.

    It's going to be a tough job especially after John Paul II, whom people admired so much. He'll forever be on JP's shadow. People will keep comparing to him..

    Tapi aku yakin setiap pope yang dipilih pasti punya kelebihan masing 2x..we just have to wait what might come yet.

    By Blogger kay's mom, at 8:11 AM  

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