Cogito ergo sum

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Last Weekend

Last Saturday, I went mall-ing with my boo.. :D
We went to Plaza Semanggi, and ate in The Soup Restaurant near the entry down into Giant supermarket. My boo really likes this restaurant, we go there quite often. Last Saturday, we ordered Udang Tahu, because there's a promotion, if you buy Udang Tahu, you get free desert, wah.., it turned out the Udang Tahu was verrrrrryyyyy delicious..!! nyam nyam...!! We also ordered Brokoli and Mushroom, nyam nyam...
After eating in The Soup we went upstairs to check on the movie. It turned out that Star Wards: Revenge of Sith was playing, so we went to see that movie. Since we still had around 45 minutes before the movie started, my boo said that he'd craved for Yakunkaya toast, so we went there and drank milk tea and coffee tea, and of course the famous toast, nyam nyam....
Then we went to see the movie. waaaaaaaaaaaaahhh..., the movie is so saddening, it breaks my heart, i cried during the film, it was just sooo very sad.., my boo said that i was too sentimentil, but that's just who I am. When you realized that there's no turning back for Anakin Skywalker, it just breaks your heart, moreover when Padme said..., "oh no Anakin.., you're choosing a path, I cannot follow..." waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...., nangis bombayyy.....
I mean he was just doing all that to save Padme at the first place!! There is no cause more noble than that!!! Saving your own wife, that's the noblest thing of noble to me. huaaaaaaaaaahuaaaa..
One zen-like wisdom that i don't understand was when Yoda said to Anakin that, "attachment is not good" something like you have to be free of it. If Padme has to encounter what she has to encounter, then just believe that that's not the end and that that's the way. wahhhhhh...., ga bisa ga bisa ga bisa ga bisa..., in fact the reason why i'm not a buddhist, although i think the religion is very very good, is because Siddharta left his wife, just like that, cold blooded.., i mean nooooo.., it's whether you don't have a spouse, or you have one and stay loyal at all cost. no reason.
If I was Anakin, I was to choose the same path that he chose.., and I would've fallen I guess and had the same fate as him (except that I will perish sooner, since I am not 'sakti' like Anakin hheheeh). If I was Padme, I would have been heartbroken just like she is.., and would have died of a broken heart, like she is. huahauhauhauhauahu....... I cried and cried and cried. To my boo's puzzlement.. hehehe...
Nevertheless..., one lesson taken.., though I don't quite chew it yet.., I guess there's some truth in Yoda's saying that,

"Attachment leads to jealousy.
The shadow of greed, that is.
Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

sorry master yoda.., but that level.., i am not in yet... :D
full saying of Yoda to Anakin:
"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." —Yoda"

to be honest with you, my motto is "it is ALL right, as long as you live!!... LIVE at all cost.."

fiuh..., revenge of sith..., it's a heartbreaking movie.., the fall of a good man.., a fallen angel.

and that was my weekend with my boo, quite a nice one.. :D


  • judulnya makan..and makan yah:P

    tapi si christian jadi anakin pas banget yah...keren banget bow....

    By Blogger kay's mom, at 1:47 PM  

  • aku udah tau bakal sad ending, makanya wegaah.Titanic aja ga nonton.mending nonton Kingdom of Heaven. Crusadernya keren2 abizz.. gambaran seorang ksatria berjuang di bawah salib... Lohengrin and Sir Gawain..wuiih..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:46 PM  

  • walah.., justru aku males nonton kingdom of heaven, ceritanya ga sesuai dengan sejarah! :D

    By Blogger Rea Yohannes, at 7:50 PM  

  • Star Wars:
    Menurut gue - si Anakin tolol banget sih ...

    pertama, dia nga konfirmasi dulu apakah bener ada kekuatan yg bisa menghidupkan orang lagi?

    kedua, he is a blind young man. Smart way to thing that: Destiny is in your hand (he tries to get the dark power to get his wife back) but he seems not to opt to other available options. Mimpi belum tentu akan terjadi kan? dan dia blindly took the extreme path. What a fool! (Rea, he does not deserve your symphathy)

    soal master Yoda, intinya yg bisa kita pelajari adalah kalo kita terlalu "attached" to something, hidup kita malah lebih susah --> makanya di Alkitab ada ditulis kita nga boleh kecanduan - artinya attached to something more than it should be. Life should be balanced.

    Kingdom of Heaven,
    Beberapa fakta ada yg bener di sana:
    (1) King of Jerusalem mati karena lepra
    (2) Jerusalem Crusader left the city to attack Salahudin and they suffered from drought (abis air).
    Jerusalem was left undefended.
    (3) Salahudin emang akhirnya melepaskan orang2 Jerusalem (nga dibunuh seperti seharusnya waktu jaman itu)

    Eh Rea,
    isinya gue banget nga sih? hehehe

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:21 AM  

  • Star Wars:
    Menurut gue - si Anakin tolol banget sih ...

    pertama, dia nga konfirmasi dulu apakah bener ada kekuatan yg bisa menghidupkan orang lagi?

    kedua, he is a blind young man. Smart way to thing that: Destiny is in your hand (he tries to get the dark power to get his wife back) but he seems not to opt to other available options. Mimpi belum tentu akan terjadi kan? dan dia blindly took the extreme path. What a fool! (Rea, he does not deserve your symphathy)

    soal master Yoda, intinya yg bisa kita pelajari adalah kalo kita terlalu "attached" to something, hidup kita malah lebih susah --> makanya di Alkitab ada ditulis kita nga boleh kecanduan - artinya attached to something more than it should be. Life should be balanced.

    Kingdom of Heaven,
    Beberapa fakta ada yg bener di sana:
    (1) King of Jerusalem mati karena lepra
    (2) Jerusalem Crusader left the city to attack Salahudin and they suffered from drought (abis air).
    Jerusalem was left undefended.
    (3) Salahudin emang akhirnya melepaskan orang2 Jerusalem (nga dibunuh seperti seharusnya waktu jaman itu)

    Eh Rea,
    isinya gue banget nga sih? hehehe

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:21 AM  

  • iya bener.., commentnya elu banget deh. eheheh..

    ada satu yang salah dari film Kingdom of Heaven, disitu digambarkan pahlawannya ada orang2 yang nggak ekstremis, it's wrong all people are extremist those days. Mengenai Salahudin, kenapa dia melepas orang2 itu, karena pemimpin Kristen yang minta, negosiasi untuk menyerahkan kota tapi mereka dibiarkan pergi, Salahudin menolak harusnya, terus pemimpin Kristen ngancam, bilang bahwa kalo nggak maka mereka akan membumihanguskan tempat2 suci islam di yerusalem. Nah.., salahudin lalu mikir, kalo tempat suci dibumihangus, it will beat his purpose to attack Yerusalem at the first place. Jadi he let the christians go.
    :D Tapi memang salahudin agak baik untuk ukuran jaman itu karena biasanya kalau pasukan islam meng-occupy suatu kota, semua gereja dihancurkan kecuali gereja yang paling jelek untuk para kristen (lebih mending, drpd kalo pasukan kristen yang menguasai suatu kota, semua orang islam dibunuh). Nah.., Salahudin ini, instead of membiarkan gereja yang paling jelek tetap berdiri, dia membiarkan gereja yang paling bagus untuk tetap berdiri. ini sudah merupakan kebaikan yang luar biasa pada jaman itu, dimana semua orang fanatik dan literally think that religion is all that you live for. (in a positive side, life is easier back then, you don't have to think, just follow religion.) :D

    By Blogger Rea Yohannes, at 7:38 PM  

  • mengenai Anakin.. heheh..
    i do think that he's a fool. agree with you seng.
    but from my point of view, his reason to do that foolish thing is 100% legitimate.. aaandd.. even noble.
    he took a wrong decision to deal with the dark force. after stepping into the dark force, then the dark force took over him.
    which brings up a point that, anakin should consulted and trusted his wife more actually. then he'll see that if he choose the dark force path, although probably it can save his wife, but his wife won't follow him, so it beats his reason at the first place.
    nevertheless, probably he was thinking, i don't care if she does not want me anymore, as long as she is saved, which is also a noble thought. seperti misalnya: si bbg lagi puasa, terus aku makan di depan dia, terus dia kepengen, berarti aku berdosa menggoda dia dgn makanan kan, tapi aku rela berdosa buat dia supaya dia mendapat pahala lebih..
    hehehehehehehe.... anyway i have to stop now. these are in the limit thoughts, and although i believe in them, i should not venture too far, less the dark force take over, like it did with anakin. whahahah... :P

    By Blogger Rea Yohannes, at 7:44 PM  

  • kalo mau berdebat soal fakta sejarah en nalar, ya, mana ada sih dua-duanya di Hollywood,gitu looh..
    anggap aja sebagai urban legend, he he he. Knight Templar kesannya jd jelek bgt di KoH. Star Wars episode IV-VI tetep plg moii. gak ada kejar2an ala Bollywood kaya di episode II(swt tenan!). Kesimpulannya cuman satu, dipandang dari segi psikologis menurut teori Freud, Anakin jelas2 menderita Oedipus Complex (suka ce yg lebih tua) huehehehehe...
    Re, mau nanya nih..kalo misalnya posisinya dibalik, Amidala yg nyebrang ke Dark Force demi Anakin, do you still think that it's a noble deed?

    salam swt..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:32 PM  

  • Amidala siapa siihh..
    itu istrinya anakin tuh si Padme?
    oh iya dong.., it works both ways
    huaahahah.. :P

    By Blogger Rea Yohannes, at 7:09 PM  

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