Split Second's Love
judul artikelku yang satu ini menjiplak abis judul artikel punya Kay's Mom...
So probably you want to read the original one's Split Second's Love.
But this one is about the split second's love of mine.
Actually..., ya..., actually...
dari kecil itu nggak tahu kenapa, aku tuh udah maless banget yang namanya merit. Bagiku seorang wanita kalo merit itu menyia-nyiakan hidupnya. Buat hidup kok malah harus ngelayanin, ya hidup yah kalo bisa dilayanin, kalo nggak yah at least mandiri.., lha wong udah ngelayanin, ga dibayar lagi.. hehehe..., masih mending pembantu daripada istri, (dan lebih mending *you know who/what* daripada istri in other line of service ;P) because at least they get paid, they can resign, and they can call it quits. All those things are not an option for a wife. (For an eye opening dimension, please read Nawal El Saadawi's Women at Point Zero, a short novel about women liberating herself).
I don't know where I get this. But I guess I get this from my mother. No.., my mother is not a feminist, though she has liberating thoughts. She is a homemaker, since being a nurse in the past you have to quit when you're married.
***wah... harus bersambung dulu yah..., saudaraku dah nyampe sini ***
*** bersambung ***
Yes.., although she's a homemaker, my mother is by all means NOT the regular housewife (although I don't know what's regular nowadays, well at least not regular in its traditional meaning). She is very strong, very dominant, consented to marriage when all other options are closed.., and ... has high hopes for her children, especially her only daughter. Hopes I have never failed to comply, until now.. heheheehehehehheeh :P
BUT, back to the original story of Split Second's Love..., that being the case, I was not interested in boys. Well in SMA kalo naksir2an gitu sering, dari SMP, dari SD malah.., but it was really all for the fun of it. I also had a habit that when a boy is a friend, then he can never be a boyfriend.
I fall for strangers.
Actually me with this boy has been in the same SMP (1989-1992), but our class is separated very far, and I just knew him as one of the band of cool guys in class D (note: the band is cool, not the boy), and he just knew me as one of the cool gals in class I (as class I was cool indeed hehehe) and part of an 8 girls I think that during rest time go about to other classes doing a tebar pesona... whihihhihihihi....
In SMA (1992-1995) things are stricter. Now he said that he chose my SMA1 over SMA3 over me. Because he saw me enrolling to SMA1, heheeh.., nice try I said, I am sure you were not following me but a very beautiful friend of mine, Katrin, heheh..., and he said yes... HAHAHA..., but he also said he followed Katrin and me lah..., well that's good enough for me ;)..
In this SMA time I also don't really know him. But we joined a hiking club together and in this hiking club, we spent short times together overtime.
My split second's love experience came in a camping ground. When I was in the Cooking Section (another blind gender classification, since I know NOTHING about cooking, not even how to cut potato or any other vegetables, therefore, I asked too many questions my friends got bored of answering, they ended up giving me the tasks of washing kitchen utensils.., and cooking for 100persons, all the kitchen utensils are HUGE!!... and so I ended up washing giant dandang and giant wajan AND 100 PAIR of SPOONS three times a day, which means!! ..., that I wash and wash and wash from dawn till dusk - even longer, literally. PS: he helped me along the way. :D other boys just helped me fetch the water from the well, a task that I am totally capable to do and actually quite happy to do as a refreshment walking to the up the hill well. It's the washing that I was sick of. But he..., my precious... :P, he actually helped me with the actual washing score)
and he was in the Security Section (what a section with nice nothing to do tasks, given unfairly only to boys).
So..., one night..., taking my rest from a whole day washing task, I look at the terrain, and all the tents, and the sky with all the stars.., it was beautiful and serene. And then he walked by through and fro.., checking here and there with his nothing to do tasks.., in a long robe/jacket, wow.., he looked so so so very cool..., like a mafia guy..., and right that instant, I just fell in love with him. I mean..., this is a very cool macho boy, who checks for security and helped you wash the dishes..., wow..., I never really think of it until now. I thought I just fall for the coolness of his long robe, but probably it was the washing helping that got me.. Anyway.., that night he got me for sure. :D My split second's love experience. :D
And......, I decided to chase him.
I can't believe I did this, but I began with a traditional approach to approach a man...= through his stomach. hehehehe..., when meal times began, 100 people are queieing to get food.., ;P I offered to take some food for him so he didn't have to wait.. heeheh..., KKN..., but then he asked me to take some other plates for his friend, and I did this memble-ly.
I did it very willingly, a feeling I have never ever felt when I'm asked to serve someone else (except for the ones for his friends). But then he started to take advantage of me. That night late after dinner he asked me to brew one ceret of coffee for his Security Team, and I was sooo sleepy and tired. But I can't say no to him, if the coffee was just for him, probably I will do it more willingly, but this is for other boys as well. AND..., :D I don't know how to brew a coffee, I have never brew a coffee before. so I just boiled this ceret of water, and I don't know how to tell if the water is boiled already (seriously, I'm not kidding, I just know how to tell since 2000 when I'm living alone). So I was impatient, and when the water rings grejek grejek (kemrengseng kata orang jawa bilang, itu belum boiled, baru about to boil) I just take the ceret of water from the stove, pour some coffee in it, I don't know how much so I just take a very uneducated guess. And give the coffee to him and call it a night!
bwahahahahahaha....., the coffee was undrinkable..., I guess even the water is undrinkable actually... ahhahahahahahah...., his friends got a good laugh on him asking the wrong girl a coffee..., and I believe he was a bit embarassed also ... whahahhahahhahahhaha...
oh.., dear..., now he makes his own coffee..., or at least asked me to make it WITH a detailed instruction.. ;P .....
kayanya harus nunggu sambungannya dulu nih..tapi emang bener, housewife=koki+janitor+sex slave +alat penghasil keturunan+nanny. love is crazy, yes?
By Anonymous, at 11:17 AM
looking back rasanya lucu yah..how can we be blinded in such a short time..he..he..he..
sebetulnya environment pun menentukan banget, misalnya tempatnya mendukung otomatis suasana romantis pasti tercipta but again, maybe sudah diatur dari sananya yah.
saranku, mulai sekarang kudu les masak neh kayaknya :D
By kay's mom, at 1:01 PM
untuk anonymous, hehehe..., thank you for saying explicitly what I was reluctant to mention hehehe...
bener banget..., Love IS crazy.
even ada studinya lagi kayanya.., how the chemicals in the brain bind two persons very closely, so that they are crazy enough to stick together for enough period of time to produce offsprings and take care of them until adult time. hehehe...
check it out in http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=236343&area=/insight/insight__body_language/
By Rea Yohannes, at 4:33 PM
By Rea Yohannes, at 4:33 PM
To Kay's Mom:
hehehe.., iya bener..., if your romantic environment is a coffee shop (which I think it is quite romantic, considering the two of you grow up in Jakarta, so probably almost like cityslickers kali yah..)
My romantic environment is the outback :D ..., especially night time, when it is dark and sendu, and romantic :D
And of course..., a long robe jacket berkibaran di tubuh kurus seorang cowok tinggi kurus... ahh..., keren bo' :P ...
By Rea Yohannes, at 4:36 PM
masih mending dikau Re, daku sampe detik ini pun lom isa tuh 'brewing coffee'. soale me and me man sama2 bukan penggemar caffein. kalo dia jadi suka, ajarin ya, gimana brewing a cup of coffee full of love to the brim.. :P
Kayanya perlu sekali2 doubledates ke Bebeng neh sambil menyusuri jalur lava malem2. gimana Re..?cukup romantis ndaks?
H ....arum
(sorry kemaren kepencet)
By Anonymous, at 6:27 PM
To: Harum
di yogya menyusur jalur lava.., lava tracking...!!
wahhh..., romantisnyaaaaaa...
ayukkkkk...., double date..., pasangan old timer semua a decade ga kawin kawin whahahahahahahaha.....!!!!!
PS: bikin blog dong Rum..
By Rea Yohannes, at 9:09 AM
ayook..., fidel dimana Seng?
Udah di Indo...? emailin kontaknya yah.., or ask her to contact me..
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