Last Weekend
Last Saturday, I went mall-ing with my boo.. :D
We went to Plaza Semanggi, and ate in The Soup Restaurant near the entry down into Giant supermarket. My boo really likes this restaurant, we go there quite often. Last Saturday, we ordered Udang Tahu, because there's a promotion, if you buy Udang Tahu, you get free desert, wah.., it turned out the Udang Tahu was verrrrrryyyyy delicious..!! nyam nyam...!! We also ordered Brokoli and Mushroom, nyam nyam...
After eating in The Soup we went upstairs to check on the movie. It turned out that Star Wards: Revenge of Sith was playing, so we went to see that movie. Since we still had around 45 minutes before the movie started, my boo said that he'd craved for Yakunkaya toast, so we went there and drank milk tea and coffee tea, and of course the famous toast, nyam nyam....
Then we went to see the movie. waaaaaaaaaaaaahhh..., the movie is so saddening, it breaks my heart, i cried during the film, it was just sooo very sad.., my boo said that i was too sentimentil, but that's just who I am. When you realized that there's no turning back for Anakin Skywalker, it just breaks your heart, moreover when Padme said..., "oh no Anakin.., you're choosing a path, I cannot follow..." waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...., nangis bombayyy.....
I mean he was just doing all that to save Padme at the first place!! There is no cause more noble than that!!! Saving your own wife, that's the noblest thing of noble to me. huaaaaaaaaaahuaaaa..
One zen-like wisdom that i don't understand was when Yoda said to Anakin that, "attachment is not good" something like you have to be free of it. If Padme has to encounter what she has to encounter, then just believe that that's not the end and that that's the way. wahhhhhh...., ga bisa ga bisa ga bisa ga bisa..., in fact the reason why i'm not a buddhist, although i think the religion is very very good, is because Siddharta left his wife, just like that, cold blooded.., i mean nooooo.., it's whether you don't have a spouse, or you have one and stay loyal at all cost. no reason.
If I was Anakin, I was to choose the same path that he chose.., and I would've fallen I guess and had the same fate as him (except that I will perish sooner, since I am not 'sakti' like Anakin hheheeh). If I was Padme, I would have been heartbroken just like she is.., and would have died of a broken heart, like she is. huahauhauhauhauahu....... I cried and cried and cried. To my boo's puzzlement.. hehehe...
Nevertheless..., one lesson taken.., though I don't quite chew it yet.., I guess there's some truth in Yoda's saying that,
"Attachment leads to jealousy.
The shadow of greed, that is.
Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."
sorry master yoda.., but that level.., i am not in yet... :D
full saying of Yoda to Anakin:
"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." —Yoda"
to be honest with you, my motto is "it is ALL right, as long as you live!!... LIVE at all cost.."
fiuh..., revenge of sith..., it's a heartbreaking movie.., the fall of a good man.., a fallen angel.
and that was my weekend with my boo, quite a nice one.. :D